Keep your eyes on the pies

It’s #BritishPieWeek so we want to talk about our pies.

As with all of our ranges, one essential element is the quality of our products and their provenance. By having great relationships with our suppliers, taking time to get to know them and the products they supply means we can do this. A perfect example is one of our pie suppliers hailing from Nottingham – craft butchers and bakers who lovingly produce our purses (or puff pastry pies, as people might know them).

What we love, even more about them, is that they keep it local and it’s all heavily-focussed on British produce and ingredients. One of our favourites is the Steak and Stilton Purse (right).  The beef and stilton both come from  Nottinghamshire. With provenance-rich ingredients like this, it’s a definite contender for British Pie Week.  Once the fillings are created, the pies are then made and filled. Then for the piece-de-resistance – the top is hand-twisted, by Violet, to create the ‘purse’ detail.  With lovely attention to detail like this, it’s no wonder they taste so good.

Meal makers

The Steak and Stilton purses are part of our ‘meal makers’ range as they’re the perfect centre piece  to create a delicious meal. And we’ve also got both meat eaters and vegetarians covered:


To give you a kick start on your pastry-based treats, we’ve combined a few of our tasty product to give you instant meal inspo.

  1. Idea 1 – our Mushroom, Stilton and Pine Nut Parcel (below) is cracking with some spicy wedges and the pea, bean and asparagus mix
  2. Idea 2 – pair our Asparagus and Gruyere Crown with some petit pois and a helping of our sweet potato fries

Both are simple and delicious (who said that frozen food couldn’t be premium?)  And, in line with our #chooseloose ethos, all of our pies, purses and en croutes are sold loose, so you can buy as many as you need, without wasting anything.

So, enjoy pie week – make, buy and eat in abandon. And we leave you with a silly pie pun:  A chef needed some puff pastry….so she made a meat pie run laps. 😂🤣😂🤣


Fieldfare welcome all shoppers but due to our products being sold loose we don’t recommend them if you suffer with anaphylaxis from the following allergens: peanuts, tree nuts, sesame, milk, egg, shellfish (molluscs and crustaceans) and fish.

We also urge caution for other allergen sufferers as there is a risk of cross-contamination from celery, gluten, lupin, mustard, soya and sulphites which may be present in products in the same freezer.