Plan the Perfect Christmas Day

Coquilles St.Jacques Xmas

Add that extra bit of sparkle to Christmas Day with some fabulous festive foodie treats… Kick off the day in the right way with the waft of warm, freshly baked pastries that bake in minutes.  Our Panettone Croissants  have a lovely Christmassy hint of citrus and are the perfect addition to an indulgent, continental breakfast […]

Turn your Freezer into your Friend at Christmas!

Roasted potatoes Christmas

Ah, Christmas.  No room in the fridge … cranberries sold out … someone’s turned veggie, or is it gluten-free…? Two don’t eat Christmas pud … what about a starter ….? You’re at “Spuds” on your timings and still haven’t peeled them! And breathe … Christmas shouldn’t be stressful. It should be a time for enjoying […]


Fieldfare welcome all shoppers but due to our products being sold loose we don’t recommend them if you suffer with anaphylaxis from the following allergens: peanuts, tree nuts, sesame, milk, egg, shellfish (molluscs and crustaceans) and fish.

We also urge caution for other allergen sufferers as there is a risk of cross-contamination from celery, gluten, lupin, mustard, soya and sulphites which may be present in products in the same freezer.