5 Easy Ways to Reduce your Plastic Consumption

There has been much discussion in the media recently about plastic, which has really been brought home to many of us through programmes like the Blue Planet.  Around 8 million metric tons of plastic waste enters the ocean, where it can prove fatal to marine life.  Pictures like the one below, have inspired many of us to try and reduce our plastic consumption to try and protect our oceans.

Blue Planet Plastic

Reducing the amount of plastic is important to us here at field fare and is one of the key differences with our loose frozen products which we have been selling for over 40 years.  Selling loose means customers buy only what they need and reduces packaging to a single, recyclable bag which is a significant plastic waste saver.  We are also currently looking at replacing the plastic bags with either a biodegradable or compostable bag.

POS blocks

If you are looking for ways to reduce your plastic consumption here are 5 easy ways….

  1. Avoid excessive food packaging – loose fruit and veg is often cheaper than pre-packaged goods
  2. Reuse drinks containers – Carry a reusable drinking bottle, we use over 35 million water bottles a year! Or take your own coffee cup – 5 billion coffee cups are thrown away every year– and less than 1 in 400 are recycled. Some cafes even offer a small discount if you use your own cup
  3. Revert back to soap bars and consider using shampoo bars – both very economical and without the large plastic containers
  4. Say no to plastic straws – either buy a reusable metal straw or use paper ones
  5. Take your own shopping bag – since the 5p charge has been introduced in the UK there has been a 85% drop in their use

Making a few small changes can make a big impact on the amount of plastic we use on a day to day basis & ultimately keep the marine life safe in our oceans.


Note: Image from Blue Planet II


Fieldfare welcome all shoppers but due to our products being sold loose we don’t recommend them if you suffer with anaphylaxis from the following allergens: peanuts, tree nuts, sesame, milk, egg, shellfish (molluscs and crustaceans) and fish.

We also urge caution for other allergen sufferers as there is a risk of cross-contamination from celery, gluten, lupin, mustard, soya and sulphites which may be present in products in the same freezer.